About Us.
The Marshville Museum and Cultural Center opened it's doors on June 17 2012 with help from the town of Marshville, it's residents, and it's local businesses. By the time our 1 year birthday party had rolled around, we had hosted over 1000 visitors including students sponsored by the Union County Community Arts Council grants. Approximately 60 volunteers gave over 24,000 hours of their time to prepare for the grand opening. In 2013 a "Care to Share" grant from Pee Dee Electric company provided funding for a new HVAC system to be installed. Three years later, the Pee Dee Electric company also provided a grant to improve the lighting and display configuration. The town of Marshville has continuously helped the Marshville Museum and Cultural Center including when they provided a restoration specialist to help with restoring the antique tin ceiling inside and would then go on to have the old carpet removed and installed new hardwood laminate flooring throughout the building. We were also fortunate enough to have an anonymous donor provide a security system, free of charge.
Our Mission.
Our mission is to present a factual account of the origin, the development and growth of the Town of Marshville and surrounding communities. This may be accomplished by displays, projects of preservation, restoration, and acceptance of gifts, donations of money and gifts in kind that meet the mission statement. If you wish to make a donation to the Marshville Museum and Cultural Center, click here